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 The Approach seminar - sat 25th, bangkok,thailand

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charles bourgheya

Number of posts : 2
Localisation : thailand
Registration date : 2009-07-21

The Approach seminar - sat 25th, bangkok,thailand Empty
PostSubject: The Approach seminar - sat 25th, bangkok,thailand   The Approach seminar - sat 25th, bangkok,thailand Icon_minitimeWed 22 Jul 2009, 06:47

this sat we will be hosting Eddie Quinn at our bangkok,thailand gym, ( so he can share his excellent system
The Approach with us
Our gym has a sporting element ,but is more geared towards reality based stuff ( this year we hope we will have Avi Nardia, tom sotis, bill kipp,Southnarc to come and
hold seminars with us
anyone passing through is most welcome to come and share with us- or just train. There is no charge for people with something to share, UK/allied police/military
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The Approach seminar - sat 25th, bangkok,thailand
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