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 Southnarc's bangkok seminar

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2 posters
charley lucky

Number of posts : 1
Localisation : thailand
Registration date : 2009-07-22

Southnarc's bangkok seminar Empty
PostSubject: Southnarc's bangkok seminar   Southnarc's bangkok seminar Icon_minitimeThu 18 Mar 2010, 09:23

We just had the honor to host south narc seminar here in Bangkok from 12-14th.
It was simply excellent .
Just like Eddie Quinn( excellent, effective, simple striking system), Avi Nardia( in depth no nonsense, well researched solutions to all situations-what a difference between that and krav-maga), etc, I cannot recommend enough getting in some training with this real life hero,gentleman and over-all super nice man.
One cannot fail to benefit from some time spent with this man. We have put some of his stuff on youtube.
Please check it out by going to youtube boxer-rebellion, southnarc and you'll see some unique drills I would really like your comments on( also on youtube is our kapap seminar)
We hopefully plan on making this a yearly event- and please remember- all free for any ex servicemen, members/;friends of this forum.Quality , modest, real people please.
best wishes
PS anyone coming this way, please get in touch and maybe we can share some knowledge
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Southnarc's bangkok seminar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Southnarc's bangkok seminar   Southnarc's bangkok seminar Icon_minitimeThu 18 Mar 2010, 10:43

Glad the seminar went well. Several members here have trained with Southnarc. He is certainly one of the top instructors in the field.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Southnarc's bangkok seminar
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