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 Just saying Hi!!

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3 posters

Number of posts : 5
Localisation : New York
Registration date : 2010-06-29

Just saying Hi!! Empty
PostSubject: Just saying Hi!!   Just saying Hi!! Icon_minitimeTue 29 Jun 2010, 08:16

Hello everyone, I'm Les...I do FMA, and I'm very much interested in WW2 Combatives, RBSD, NLP and related disciplines, and how all of the above fits together. After reading Mr. Marcus Wynne's article on Neural-Based Training, I figured this is the place to be, so here I am!

Honestly, I'm probably going to read, absorb and mull things over more than post, as I like to know what I'm talking about before I say or write anything. Not much more to say, really. Apart from training, I like smart, pretty girls who wear black well, good books, good whiskey, having a quiet pint or three with dear friends, playing guitar, writing, Motorhead, Iggy, old-school punk rock, hardcore, 60's/70's soul music, Miles, Bird, Coltrane, and classic ska and reggae. Just a regular guy, all in all--and I'm happy to be here! Thanks for having me, I'll just be sitting over here quietly with a mug of coffee... :-)
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Just saying Hi!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just saying Hi!!   Just saying Hi!! Icon_minitimeTue 29 Jun 2010, 10:25

Welcome aboard, and enjoy the forum

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 6
Localisation : New York
Registration date : 2018-12-05

Just saying Hi!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just saying Hi!!   Just saying Hi!! Icon_minitimeWed 05 Dec 2018, 18:10

I really could have probably saved myself rewriting my whole intro, but--as I have a newish forum name, I figure I might as well start fresh! All of the previously written itroduction still holds true, for whatever that's worth...

Hello, my name's Les--and I'm from NY. I have been involved with this kind of thing for a little bit, as V42 might be willing to confirm. My primary traditional martial art practice is Eskrima/Kali/Arnis, and this background is something that I have been blessed to have been able to bond with Kuya ("Elder Brother" in Tagalog) Marcus over, while sharing food, stories and fellowship at my home some years back. As for my other interests, I like fiercely played punk rock, black Gibson Les Paul guitars, finely balanced sharp steel, eloquently crafted hypnotic metaphors, good stout and whiskey, strong coffee, and beautifully witchy femme fatales in black.

Cheers and goodness to you all!

Last edited by UnderdogNYHC on Wed 05 Dec 2018, 19:11; edited 2 times in total
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Just saying Hi!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just saying Hi!!   Just saying Hi!! Icon_minitimeWed 05 Dec 2018, 18:12

No problem, hope you are enjoying the forum

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 6
Localisation : New York
Registration date : 2018-12-05

Just saying Hi!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just saying Hi!!   Just saying Hi!! Icon_minitimeWed 05 Dec 2018, 18:14

Most definitely, sir. Thank you kindly for your hospitality.
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PostSubject: Re: Just saying Hi!!   Just saying Hi!! Icon_minitime

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