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 Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar

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3 posters

Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Empty
PostSubject: Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar   Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Icon_minitimeTue 18 Jan 2011, 11:22

The AAR for this was buried in another thread, so I've extracted it here...

Following an introduction and brief history of the Liverpool Gutterfighters, and how we came to be established, we kicked the day off with a two hour block on Circulatory Compromise presented by Shackleton; who is a highly qualified military medic.

Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Shackleton-1
This was condensed from the material covered on the previous Tac Medic Program.
This essential topic was taught mainly by hands-on work, with appropriate background information to supplement the practical scenarios.
Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Tac-medtrg-2
[The lads work with the latest military dressings]

There was a great deal of interest in this topic, and the prospect of a future full training weekend was warmly welcomed.
Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Dencannular
[Patrick inserts a cannular into Den's arm in order to infuse tea into him even more rapidly!]

Next, a cadre from the Gutterfighters, led by Tony and Ian, took the class through an aggression/situational awareness drill.

Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Bootparty
We have been using this drill since before we founded the group, mainly for a multiple-assailant situation training method. However, the lads came up with a novel addition to the drill, to add a whole new dimension.

Similarly Giles and Ben took our established All-in drill and added several new variations. Giles was a regular with the Liverpool group before moving permanently to Yorkshire, where he established a thriving and enthusiastic group of Leeds Gutterfighters. Another superb block of instruction.
Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Gilesdrill
[Giles monitors the action]


Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar DenEOBkick-1
I then discussed the WW-2 attack to the shin, by blasting in with the Edge-of Boot.
Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar DenEOBKick-2

The class tried it as a touch drill, before graduating to pads, then finishing on riot shinguards.

Starting with a PowerPoint presentation on the essentials of Vehicle security and awareness, Phil then moved the class out into the carpark for practical drills in the vehicles.

Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Phildemo
[Phil discusses vehicle factors]
As a operator on a Specialised Firearms Team, Phil has done much vehicle related training, and he presented the positive and negative aspects of self-protection while faced with carjack or road-rage attack. Again, the class really appreciated this highly topical and relevant lesson.

Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Alvehdrillschinjab
[Al strikes as Dave holds the Hammerhead target]

Next Brian, another longtime Gutterfighter, and now our youngest instructor discussed body shots.

Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Briandemo
Starting with the anatomy, then discussing where bodyshots fit into the self-protection toolbox, before finishing with applications on partners wearing torso shields.
To finish off the day Si got everyone sweating and breathless with an arduous set of Straight-blast fitness drills. An ideal wrap-up to a great day of training.
It only remained to present the certificates to the Generation-3 Instructors, who had finished their training series on the previous day. Si Squires was also given a special certificate of recognition for his expertise in High-Stress Scenario Development.

Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Si-2
Then Tony and Ian were presented with embroidered shirts as founder members of the Liverpool Gutterfighters. They were there ten years ago when we started the group, and they are still regulars.
Following the group photo, several of us went for the traditional post training scoff.
Full thread here

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2007-07-20

Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar   Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Icon_minitimeWed 19 Jan 2011, 15:41

Can't tell you how much I enjoyed presenting at the Tac Med seminar.

Its a topic I very much enjoy at the best of times but presenting to such keen and motivated blokes was a privilege.

Was also good to see Den put his skills to good use in an admirable performance some time there after following an incident on the door he was working. Made me feel even better that someone was taking some notice!!

You got a link to that thread Den ? As I remember you performed in exemplary fashion.
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar   Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Icon_minitimeWed 19 Jan 2011, 18:05

I think this is the post you had in mind Shack?

Had a pretty intensive first aid experience in work last night. There was a kick-off upstairs, resulting in a male customer being stabbed. I grabbed my med-pack and gave first aid.
He was covered in blood with an obvious slash across his ear; and, his open shirt revealed a puncture/stab wound to the lower abdomen and a 4" slash across the torso. Checking his back as I gloved up I found that the most serious wound was another stab to the armpit.
I used several large FFDs in treating these wounds.
Police and ambulance arrived and I briefed them and handed over.
Interesting point, the armpit wound was too high to tourniquet , so I used hard, direct pressure, which stopped the bleed. However, another doorman, on the phone to the ambulance service twelling them of the arm wound, was told "don't use a tourniquet"
Learning points: The MARCH protocol kicked in immediately. Cheers, Shackleton.
Carry enough dressings. There was another casualty, one of the doormen, who was slashed across the forearm. He self-treated from the club first aid pack. It's quite easy to envision a scenario with several severely injured casualties in one incident, requiring numerous dressings. After all, stopping the bleeding is probably the main task of the first aider, at least in my experience.
Carry disinfectant. I was covered in blood afterwards, and needed to clean my waterproof jacket and face. Also several others had blood on them.
Although health and safety insist on disposing of the bloody waste, this was a crime scene and the stuff was left in situ.
A final good point, the club had to close an hour early, so we had an early night.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 280
Registration date : 2007-07-20

Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar   Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Icon_minitimeThu 20 Jan 2011, 05:55

Jammy bastids...:) Wish I could have been at the anniversary do. As a consolation prize I did get to ride with Marcus Wynne all the way to Florida and got to pick his brains all the way there (when we weren't laughing our arses off), while we were there, and all the way home. Also got to see him in action twice with the crew in Florida...impressive stuff. Now I see what all the fuss is about.

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Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2007-07-20

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PostSubject: Re: Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar   Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Icon_minitimeThu 20 Jan 2011, 09:25

Thats the one Den.

Its very easy for the layman to see that scenario as straight forward, although it was far from it.

The checking of the back and the finding of the armpit wound was excellent and would be considered a good performance by a professional medic.
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar   Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Icon_minitimeThu 20 Jan 2011, 10:27

Thanks Shack, that means a lot coming from you.
Nick, sounds like a blast, what sort of stuff were you doing down in Florida?

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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PostSubject: Re: Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar   Gutterfighters Tenth Anniversary Seminar Icon_minitime

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