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 Nice to be here

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4 posters

Number of posts : 1
Localisation : Canada
Registration date : 2011-09-23

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PostSubject: Nice to be here   Nice to be here Icon_minitimeFri 23 Sep 2011, 15:29

Hello all,

Like many of you I too am in pursuit of the knowledge and skills, that will assist me in life. I dont look for trouble, and I will do whatever it takes to avoid confrontation, however that does not mean that I should not know how to defend myself. I am 30 years old, have never really been in a street fight (and hope not to) I have dreams and goals of having a family one day, and as such I consider it my duty to be able to protect them with all available options. Anyways when thinking about how to proceed the thought that most often popped up was to begin with my mind. Every thing we do begins with the mind in one way or another. Our choices, our movements.......all begin in the same place. So it made sense to me to start with a self defense mindset first, then proceed to the actual training. I figured it is kinda like laying down the foundation? Anyways through research I eventually stumbled upon the CQB website........and knew I had found a thread I might follow.

So here I am eagar to learn, I will most likely lurk the site for awhlie, absorbing what I can, then formulating my questions from there. I would love to enter a class but time and money are hard to come by these days. However that is not an excuse, where there is a will there is a way! I look forward to learning and sharing with you all. Take care and all the best!
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

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PostSubject: Re: Nice to be here   Nice to be here Icon_minitimeFri 23 Sep 2011, 17:14

Welcome aboard, enjoy the discourse.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 681
Registration date : 2007-07-21

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PostSubject: Re: Nice to be here   Nice to be here Icon_minitimeSat 24 Sep 2011, 07:34

Welcome aboard, fella.
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Number of posts : 1450
Age : 64
Localisation : Central Wisconsin
Registration date : 2008-02-20

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PostSubject: Re: Nice to be here   Nice to be here Icon_minitimeSat 24 Sep 2011, 12:49

Greetings and a most sincere welcome...
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PostSubject: Re: Nice to be here   Nice to be here Icon_minitime

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