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 Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand

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4 posters

Number of posts : 14
Age : 70
Localisation : new zealand
Registration date : 2011-11-03

Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Empty
PostSubject: Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand   Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Icon_minitimeFri 04 Nov 2011, 00:36

Hi everyone,
i have enjoyed the CQB site over the years and finally got around to joining. I am ex Royal Australian Regiment (12yrs) 1971-1983 and now work in the Criminal Court system. This has been rewarding as I have been able to observe the techniques and mechanisms of violence as experienced during my Army years and also to see the end result of violent actions, effect on victims, weapons etc at the Courts. I am fortunate to have access to our exhibit vault and have developed some conclusions regardind criminals and weapons.

I trained in unarmed combat briefly with our PTIs while I was in Recon platoon and did a lot of Fairbairn, Applegate , Styers and Echanis training and sparring. with mates in my own spare time I have a substantial knife collection and have had many Randalls etc over the years. I am a serious shooter and left Australia after the John Howard firearms "buy back"

I was fortunate a few years ago to be given Jeff Coopers biography by his daughter Lindy.

I look forward to enjoying this forum


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Number of posts : 9933
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand   Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Icon_minitimeFri 04 Nov 2011, 10:18

Welcome Vinko, looking forward to chatting with you

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 280
Registration date : 2007-07-20

Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand   Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Icon_minitimeFri 04 Nov 2011, 19:22


If you're stuck in NZ and need rescuing let us know. We'll mount a hostage rescue mission immediately. No Aussie should have to suffer that.

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Number of posts : 14
Age : 70
Localisation : new zealand
Registration date : 2011-11-03

Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand   Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Icon_minitimeMon 14 Nov 2011, 20:24

I knew there would be a bit of Kiwi bashing.
This is an addendum to my introduction and I will address these topics, except the last one more seriously in their appropiate areas.

I live in NZ because it has the best gun laws in the English speaking world outside of the States.
I can have 1911s on my pistol licence and working Brens and Stens on my collectors licence.
I live in Howick wher some of the best Ffairbairn Sykes knives are made.
The common law right to self defence exists and is ackowledged by our Judges.
The place is wall to wall with deer, chamois, Tahr and trout and hunting has main stream acceptance in the community.
Kiwi chicks are seriously sexy
Thats a start and Australia can no longer provide these things
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Number of posts : 14
Age : 70
Localisation : new zealand
Registration date : 2011-11-03

Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand   Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Icon_minitimeMon 14 Nov 2011, 21:31

and of course there is the Rugby World Cup.........end of story
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Number of posts : 280
Registration date : 2007-07-20

Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand   Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Icon_minitimeTue 15 Nov 2011, 18:46

Clearly this man has been brainwashed by agents of the NZ government...I wash my hands of this "Auckland Candidate."

Poor bastid...sorry they got to him. (he actually had me going until the bit about the Rugby)

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Number of posts : 14
Age : 70
Localisation : new zealand
Registration date : 2011-11-03

Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand   Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Icon_minitimeTue 15 Nov 2011, 19:22

Poor Tea Pot. Scared witless by the haka. I guess I had better get on to talk about guns n things now
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Number of posts : 280
Registration date : 2007-07-20

Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand   Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Icon_minitimeWed 16 Nov 2011, 00:28 be honest the Maori sheilas were always better fighters than the men so the Haka never bothered me one bit. Bunch of boneheads psyching themselves up by yelling and pulling faces....I"ve always wondered why someone just doesn't kick the ball in their face and start the game instead of waiting why they do that nonsense.

Anyway...on a serious note...I'm surprised about the gun laws. I'd have thought they'd have followed AUS lead and banned them when the Aussies did. I'm assuming it's the old way though in that you can have one on you only if you're going from home to the club and that it has to be locked in the trunk and separate from the ammo etc.? In other words you're not getting a concealed carry permit right?

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Number of posts : 14
Age : 70
Localisation : new zealand
Registration date : 2011-11-03

Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Empty
PostSubject: Laws   Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Icon_minitimeWed 16 Nov 2011, 01:17

Teapot You are right. Like most Commonwealth countries there are no concealed carry laws. I was stunned to see that even Security guards carrying money were not armed. The Police have traditionally not been armed with weapons being issued by a supervisor at an incident. Now they carry a taser, 9mm Glock and Bushmaster rifle in their cars. Still one step beyond an immediate reaction to armed threat. What NZ does well is provide good oportunities for the use of firearms for both target and hunting. Certainly better than most countries.

They are independant from Australia in terms of gun laws and believe in letting the community have its say in terms of vetting firearms holders. They licence the person not the gun unlike Australia. In Australia I was the australian Deer Associatin delegate to the Victorian Police representing gun owners and dealing with some quite obnoxious Police. I am quite politicised when it comes to firearms issues. Australia has bred a particular nasty Public Servant when it comes to firearms.
Nice to chat
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Number of posts : 664
Localisation : USA - for now
Registration date : 2009-08-09

Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand   Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Icon_minitimeWed 16 Nov 2011, 01:24

G'day Dig and welcome from another ex-pat!

I left Oz for much the same reasons (gun laws, etc.) as you and - by the grace of God - had a job in Yankland that presented me with opportunites and a good income and retirement.
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Number of posts : 14
Age : 70
Localisation : new zealand
Registration date : 2011-11-03

Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Empty
PostSubject: Hi ANZAC   Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Icon_minitimeWed 16 Nov 2011, 01:28

Hi Anzac and well done. I'd be off to the States in a flash except for wife, relatives etc. You must be enjoying it. I look forward to chatting with you about your experience.
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Number of posts : 9933
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand   Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Icon_minitimeWed 16 Nov 2011, 10:30

Several years ago I understand that NSW passed some stringent gun laws, then had to repeal them because of public pressure?

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 280
Registration date : 2007-07-20

Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand   Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Icon_minitimeWed 16 Nov 2011, 19:23

That particular breed of nasty public servant doesn't only exist when it comes to guns mate...another reason I left Oz was due to 'them' and I'm still floored anytime I talk to mates back home when I hear about the crap they get up to. Mind boggling.

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Number of posts : 14
Age : 70
Localisation : new zealand
Registration date : 2011-11-03

Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Empty
PostSubject: Public Pressue Gun laws   Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Icon_minitimeSun 20 Nov 2011, 03:56

Hi Den,
Yes there is a Shooters Party in NSW who had some effect on the NSW Government and somw of the laws and regulations were changed.Eg I think in things like cooling off periods.The challenge for Australian states is that they are caught between a binding agreement with the Commonwealth and the pressure of the local electorates upon them . Thanks for the interest though and sorry... this is Australian politics and not really pertinent to the forum. In reference to Teapot and concealed carry the easiest way around that was to get a Private Investigator or Security Guard licence and take it from there. Still some restrictions but at least you had a gun and holster and could carry on the job. This has changed somewhat but Security Guards are still armed in Australia. Most of the weapons are 9mm or 38/357 because of the ban on .40 and over for non Police persons. Except of course if you curry favour with the a Commissioner and are a Police person then that Para Ordinance 45 is happened.

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Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand   Hello from an aussie living in New Zealand Icon_minitime

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