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 Hello from Bedfordshire

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3 posters

Number of posts : 10
Localisation : bedfordshire
Registration date : 2012-06-07

Hello from Bedfordshire Empty
PostSubject: Hello from Bedfordshire   Hello from Bedfordshire Icon_minitimeThu 07 Jun 2012, 12:47

hi everyone

I am an MA enthustiast. Orginally from South Africa where I lived in Johannesburg and a Town near to Cape Town called Paarl. I now live in Hitchin Bedfordshire. Long time MA fan and have practiced kyokushin Karate, San shou and Muay Thai. I have been lead to combatives through the works of Geoff Thompson, who lead me to the works of Lee Morrison, who lead me to the works of Dennis Martin.

My views are that you cannot be a complete SD teacher if you have not had extensive experience with actual violent encounters. So that is what lead me to Mr Martins work. He does not only have military/ security experience but also experience on the door. Hence why the real greats (in my opinion have this experience)

Dennis Martin ( ex Bouncer)
Geoff Thompson (ex bouncer )
Peter Consterdine (ex bouncer )
Lee Morrison (ex bouncer )

I also enjoy Philosophy ( I have a degree in it) and the works of H.P Lovecraft.

I hope we all get on well.
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Hello from Bedfordshire Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from Bedfordshire   Hello from Bedfordshire Icon_minitimeThu 07 Jun 2012, 14:31

Welcome Robin, and many thanks for the kind words. Hope you enjoy reading the threads here.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Rob [Gutterfighters]

Rob [Gutterfighters]

Number of posts : 44
Localisation : Liverpool
Registration date : 2011-04-14

Hello from Bedfordshire Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from Bedfordshire   Hello from Bedfordshire Icon_minitimeThu 07 Jun 2012, 19:39

Welcome aboard Robin you've come to the right place, the wealth on knowledge in this forum is formidable and will take sometime to digest,


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Number of posts : 10
Localisation : bedfordshire
Registration date : 2012-06-07

Hello from Bedfordshire Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from Bedfordshire   Hello from Bedfordshire Icon_minitimeFri 08 Jun 2012, 12:03

Thank you for the warm welcome. I hope to digest as much as possible. And maybe find a local combatives group to train with. fingers crossed.
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Hello from Bedfordshire Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from Bedfordshire   Hello from Bedfordshire Icon_minitime

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Hello from Bedfordshire
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