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 Noor Inayat Khan, GC

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Number of posts : 9933
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Noor Inayat Khan, GC Empty
PostSubject: Noor Inayat Khan, GC   Noor Inayat Khan, GC Icon_minitimeFri 09 Nov 2012, 10:47

A statue has been unveiled to commemorate Noor Inayat Khan, one of the SOE female agents executed during WW-2

The statue stands in Gordon Square, central London, and was unveiled by Princess Anne

Noor Inayat Khan, GC Noorinayat

Of Indian descent, she was known as the "Princess Spy" During SOE training she was rated by the DS as unsuitable for operations, but was nevertheless dropped into occupied France, where she survived longer than expected, and was at one time the sole link to her network. Ordered to return to London she refused, and was eventually captured. Despite imprisonment by the SD she refused to talk, and attempted to escape twice.
Classified as extremely dangerous she was moved to Dachau, and then executed along with three other female agents.
After the war she was was posthumously awarded a British George Cross, appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire and Mentioned in Despatches and awarded a French Croix de Guerre with Gold Star. Noor was the third of three Second World War FANY members to be awarded the George Cross, Britain's highest award for gallantry not in the face of the enemy.
For the full story of the fate of the SOE female agents, and the search to discover the truth, read

Vera Atkins: A life in secrets

Check Six,
Dennis Martin

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Number of posts : 9933
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Noor Inayat Khan, GC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Noor Inayat Khan, GC   Noor Inayat Khan, GC Icon_minitimeFri 28 Mar 2014, 10:36

Another honour for this brave woman....Royal Mail issues stamp on Noor Inayat Khan

Noor Inayat Khan, GC Noor_zps0dd64199

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 1450
Age : 64
Localisation : Central Wisconsin
Registration date : 2008-02-20

Noor Inayat Khan, GC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Noor Inayat Khan, GC   Noor Inayat Khan, GC Icon_minitimeFri 28 Mar 2014, 20:49

That's well done...
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Number of posts : 9933
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Noor Inayat Khan, GC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Noor Inayat Khan, GC   Noor Inayat Khan, GC Icon_minitimeMon 21 Sep 2020, 10:55

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Noor Inayat Khan, GC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Noor Inayat Khan, GC   Noor Inayat Khan, GC Icon_minitime

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