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 Lee Morrison Urban Combatives Chicago, Illinois 2014

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Number of posts : 29
Registration date : 2007-07-24

Lee Morrison Urban Combatives Chicago, Illinois 2014 Empty
PostSubject: Lee Morrison Urban Combatives Chicago, Illinois 2014   Lee Morrison Urban Combatives Chicago, Illinois 2014 Icon_minitimeFri 01 Aug 2014, 19:34

I just spent three days training with Lee Morrison in Chicago and thought he was great! Lee started off with a lecture on the Psychology of Combatives which addressed many of the physiological effects people suffer from when under duress. I've read a lot on this topic over the years and Lee's presentation reaffirmed much of what I'd read and understood to be true. The information I found most fascinating was the material that was derived from NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming). The information on State Access and State Management was very new to me and has given me a lot to think about as well as research and train.

Day two got into the meat and potatos of Lee's physical instruction. Lee presented us with what he calls "Caveman Combatives" which is his streamlined material condensed for seminar presentation. It is also the name of his next Paladin Press DVD which is being fast tracked for release from Paladin soon! We went over state access and management (This time using drills) flanking, pre-emptive striking, clinch work, secondary tools, mindset as it applies in confrontation, verbal skills and "Impact Innoculation" among other things. We had a group of thirty plus people, many of them experienced combatives practioners or sport martial artists so the intensity was very high. That evening several of us gathered at the hosts' home in Chicago where we grilled out and enjoyed some adult beverages as we got to unwind a bit and hang out with Lee.

By day three we were all very sore but still motivated and ready to train. Lee had us working several more drills and incorporated a solid amount of ground work into this session. After the coffee kicked in people were shouting, profanity was flying freely and the intensity level was once again palpable. I have to add that all of this was done on hard wood floors with no mats! After a quick break for lunch the focus shifted to multiple opponents or "multiples" as Lee preferred to say and Artiface. Lee's experience as a doorman really highlighted this segment as he set up scenarios and then demonstrated his ability to access state, distract and manipulate the role players and finally go pre-emtive on them with a flurry of strikes. We learned how to use the fence, disguise our own fear, use tactile methods to sense when an opponent may be going combative, distract through the use of questions and how to put all of this together so that it was congruent.

Lee Morrison's Urban Combatives is the real deal. If you ever have the opportunity to attend one of his seminars or classes it would be time well spent.
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Number of posts : 879
Registration date : 2007-07-17

Lee Morrison Urban Combatives Chicago, Illinois 2014 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lee Morrison Urban Combatives Chicago, Illinois 2014   Lee Morrison Urban Combatives Chicago, Illinois 2014 Icon_minitimeSun 31 Aug 2014, 17:02

Yeah, most of us have trained with Lee. He's super effective and teaches a no nonsense form of fighting !
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Lee Morrison Urban Combatives Chicago, Illinois 2014
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