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 Hi this is Carlo from Italy

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3 posters


Number of posts : 6
Localisation : italy
Registration date : 2015-02-12

Hi this is Carlo from Italy Empty
PostSubject: Hi this is Carlo from Italy   Hi this is Carlo from Italy Icon_minitimeThu 12 Feb 2015, 19:32

Hi to everybody who remember me and to all the others I have ever met personally . During all this time I had been always active teaching and practicing and using;-) combatives . Unluckely I hadn't been able to take part at the last few internationals so we have no longer met togheter . Hope there will be the possibility quite soon again to see my old friends . With Den we are planning a two or three days seminar here in Italy probably in may and everybody of You who could be interested in it  will be more than welcome . It should be a mind- eye shooting course and a vip protection course . Maybe You don't know but thanks to Den in the 2006 I had been able to enter and complete the smith & wesson law enforcement firearms instructor course . There is a special shooting range in Rovereto -Italy (next to verona)  . They have a police defensive combat system . The only one in Italy up to now wich costed 820.000 euros .I have used it before just when I have taught to german police and in the usa .  They rent it to me as I am a L.E.instructor and there is the possibility even for You to come and shoot inside the normal range and even in it. Requirements are  to be an E.U. citizen and to bring along with You a formal certificate of your family doctor who certify that you are allowed to practice the sport of shooting with firearms  . The shooting range provides guns and ammos  .  I will put a brief translation and a copy of this document in the posts to come and explain everything better .  Let me know if could be interesting for You .
Cheers, Carlo Italy

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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Hi this is Carlo from Italy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi this is Carlo from Italy   Hi this is Carlo from Italy Icon_minitimeThu 12 Feb 2015, 19:52

Great to hear from you on the forum again Carlo.
The shooting program is an exciting idea, and I hope lots of the guys will be able to attend.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2007-07-20

Hi this is Carlo from Italy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi this is Carlo from Italy   Hi this is Carlo from Italy Icon_minitimeFri 13 Feb 2015, 20:02

I for one would be keen to attend.
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Number of posts : 6
Localisation : italy
Registration date : 2015-02-12

Hi this is Carlo from Italy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi this is Carlo from Italy   Hi this is Carlo from Italy Icon_minitimeSat 14 Feb 2015, 18:52

Hi Shackleton ,
nice to hearing from You . I will post something with much more details in the forum . Next to where we will training there is Verona a very nice city with ancient Rome's arena , the garda lake so if someone is planning to come with wife - girlfriend there is even the opportunity for them to enjoy a week end . For us there is the world war museum very interesting right close where we will training . Have a nice week end . Carlo
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Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2007-07-20

Hi this is Carlo from Italy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi this is Carlo from Italy   Hi this is Carlo from Italy Icon_minitimeSat 14 Feb 2015, 19:29

I've been to Verona a few times Carlo, one of my favourite places.
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Hi this is Carlo from Italy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi this is Carlo from Italy   Hi this is Carlo from Italy Icon_minitimeTue 14 Apr 2015, 18:24

We are looking at the weekend 13/14 June for this program.
Contact Carlo on for details

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 6
Localisation : italy
Registration date : 2015-02-12

Hi this is Carlo from Italy Empty
PostSubject: Dennis' seminar in Italy 13-14 june 2015   Hi this is Carlo from Italy Icon_minitimeTue 14 Apr 2015, 19:59

Hi to everybody. This is Carlo from Italy. With Dennis we have in program a seminar the 13-14 of june. The subject will be one day absolutely mind-eye shooting , the next one vip protection. I have agreement with the shooting range where I do teach so You will be allowed to shoot and have guns and ammo there. Is enough You bring along with you a certificate of yours family doctor who certifies you are able ( no mental illness for ex.) to practice the sport of shooting with the firearms. I will post a simple in the days to come. The next day would be V.I.P. protection. If You have other subject of interests please, ask and we will consider it. Inside the shooting range there is even a defense police combat system ( 820.000 euros the cost one of the most advanced) . If You want to use it we can arrange but it will need another day . You enter in a room one o one with an instructor. You will shoot on a ballistic wall at 8 meters of distance on interactive movies with shoot -don't shoot opponents like in real life. Unlikely they don't allowed to record so no way for me to show it to You . I have used it just with the police in the States and in Germany . They provide you the weapons (glock , beretta '92. heckler and koch sig saucer etc. ) cost of a box of ammo 9 mm is 11,50 euro pro 50 cartridges if I remember well . Then You have to tell me how long You intend to stay . There are many visit possible to be done in the free time . The world war museum next to the shooting range , I am friend of the curator so probably You will be able to visit area closed to the public. There is Verona with the arena ( an ancient rome 's colosseum for the gladiators fights the second of importance in Italy after the colosseum in Rome ) . There is the garda lake .So let me know yours idea and I will try to combine the best I can to have a great time . Unluckily at this time I cannot yet tell You the cost of the seminar because Den is going in the USA and has yet to shop for the flight . Have a look at Verona's airport with is the closest to Rovereto where the shooting range is located. (these are the termae di Catullo the ancient roman poet and of Virgilio )

So You see there are many activities even for girlfriend / wife and children .

Write me here or to c.carlino

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Hi this is Carlo from Italy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi this is Carlo from Italy   Hi this is Carlo from Italy Icon_minitime

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Hi this is Carlo from Italy
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