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Registration date : 2007-06-27

PostSubject: THE GOLOK   THE GOLOK Icon_minitimeWed 05 Aug 2015, 12:31

The Golok, jungle utility knife:

THE GOLOK OnBergantext_zps82f93ba3

THE GOLOK Oldsheath_zpsed81a2b0
The original sheath was pretty basic, in either webbing, or leather.

THE GOLOK Label_zps54b39ee3
The current sheath is much better, being Cordura, with a rigid insert, and various mounting options

THE GOLOK Overview_zps9020a400
The long webbing strab allows the sheath to be attached to the waist, so that the Golok is with you at all times, as per jungle SOPs.

THE GOLOK Strapdetail_zpsdd79b777
The knife is kept securely in the sheath by straps/snap-studs

THE GOLOK Beltloop_zpseab4e920

Alternatively, the sheath can be attached to the belt-kit, via a loop

THE GOLOK InBerganpocket_zpsd5f1fb00
For admin transport the Golok can be slipped into the side slot on the Bergan

THE GOLOK Firestarterkit_zpsa2132e3d
The sheat pocket can accomodate a firestarter kit.

THE GOLOK Wristloop_zpsbe68de39
The wrist loop is essential. On this model it has an adjustable cord-lock

The Golok is by no means ideal. Lofty's Survival knife is  obviously much better. However, the Golok does have the advantage of being inexpensive, and you won't mind using it for heavy jobs. I remember on a course, bashing brambles on a rock to make cordage, and thinking "I wouldn't want to do this with a £100 knife"

There are other aftermarket sheaths available, including this one from America....

THE GOLOK USsheath_zpsb797c1e0

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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