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 Stuart "Kipper" Swain

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Number of posts : 9933
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Stuart "Kipper" Swain Empty
PostSubject: Stuart "Kipper" Swain   Stuart "Kipper" Swain Icon_minitimeMon 21 May 2018, 17:04

I have just heard that my old friend Kipper has suddenly passed away.
Kipper came to train with us in Karate, as a friend of one of our stalwarts, Tony Rimmer. He was an outstanding athlete, and skilled in numerous sports.
He began working on doors, and we worked to gether quite a bit, notably at the Paradox Club

Stuart "Kipper" Swain Parado10

Kipper was always joking, and he mercilessly ripped all hands apart with his wit; often making up songs or rhymes on the spot mocking our hairstyles, shoes or conversation.
He was, literally, the life and soul of any party.On a trip to Las Vegas to watch the UFC Kipper befriended Chuck Liddell, and spent a couple of days partying with him.
He will be missed.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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