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 Askari Knives

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Number of posts : 9936
Registration date : 2007-06-27

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PostSubject: Askari Knives   Askari Knives Icon_minitimeSun 28 Feb 2021, 18:26

My good friend Victor has just kindly presented me with this neat knife from South Africa. Askari Knives produce a variety of designs, this being their EDC model. In the past the Tactical folder was highly popular, but for me I now prefer a compact fixed-blade as the recommended EDC knife, for most cases.

Askari Knives Askari10

The knife has a wicked point and a decent [single] edge, making it suitable for both stabbing and slashing.

Askari Knives Askari11

The sheath does not come with a belt loop, instead it is drilled to allow cordage for the popular "ripcord" carriage. Alternatively, paracord, or, shock-cord can be used to attach the scabbard to belt, webbing or pack.

Askari Knives Sheath17

I had a spare Tek-lock, so attached that for belt carriage:

Askari Knives Askari12

You can see the full range here Askari Knives

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 1450
Age : 64
Localisation : Central Wisconsin
Registration date : 2008-02-20

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PostSubject: Re: Askari Knives   Askari Knives Icon_minitimeWed 19 May 2021, 12:30

Very nice Den.
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