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 Hey guys , I am from India

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2 posters

Number of posts : 3
Localisation : India
Registration date : 2021-06-08

Hey guys , I am from India Empty
PostSubject: Hey guys , I am from India   Hey guys , I am from India Icon_minitimeTue 08 Jun 2021, 15:47

Hey everyone, I am 42, from India. I have been practicing martial arts since 1991, I practiced taekwondo,, belt belt 1st dan, was a national level player in my 20s, then moved to kick boxing and MMA.

I have no experience with blades, recently I bought two push daggers(PD), I was looking for information on PD.
Stumbled upon Dennis' article on PD. It was very informative, so I joined the forum.
I would like to learn some basic techniques of how to use PD.
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Hey guys , I am from India Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hey guys , I am from India   Hey guys , I am from India Icon_minitimeWed 09 Jun 2021, 09:23

Welcome to the forum.
I have answered your question in the Edged Weapons section

Check Six,
Dennis Martin

SpinningTorque likes this post

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Hey guys , I am from India
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