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 Southnarc 09

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paul scothern

Number of posts : 37
Registration date : 2007-07-20

Southnarc 09 Empty
PostSubject: Southnarc 09   Southnarc 09 Icon_minitimeTue 07 Apr 2009, 08:24

Hi all,

this is copied and pasted from the uk section of tpi.

Great news guys, been on the phone recently to SN and it gives me pleasure to announce the 2009 dates for this years seminar.

The dates are as follows

Fri 28th August
Sat 29th August
30th August

This years theme will be on car combat, in and around the vehicle. Plus no doubt recaps on stuff from the last seminar.

Anyone who needs further info on location, prices training times or accomodation in local area please contact Ian Thomas at;

(0044) 07817 663225


hope everyone is well


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