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 2004 international

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3 posters
mick s

Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2007-07-20

2004 international Empty
PostSubject: 2004 international   2004 international Icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 18:43

Hi, I attended the 2004 International Seminar in the ymca, in one of the video clips shown that day was an excert from the series Sharpe, it was a very motivational clip, does anyone know the series and episode it was taken from, it was Sharpe talkming to his troops before they entered battle if I am correct, Regards, Mick.
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

2004 international Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2004 international   2004 international Icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 19:22

Mick, it's in the clip below, starting at 6: 28

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 97
Localisation : cheshire England
Registration date : 2011-03-19

2004 international Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2004 international   2004 international Icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 20:25

Great clip from classic series,also the prop Nock volley gun that Sharpe gives Harper which is used throughout the series was given to me as a gift and which i still have ,cheers Al.
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mick s

Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2007-07-20

2004 international Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2004 international   2004 international Icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 20:44

Thankyoun Den,
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2004 international Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2004 international   2004 international Icon_minitime

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2004 international
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