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 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR

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Greg Hall
simon porter
Chris S
Alan Beckett
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Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2007-07-20

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 09 Sep 2013, 15:29

What a unique and outstanding seminar this was. You won't find an event like it in the country. To get instructors of the calibre of Dennis, Greg Hall, Phil Norman and Si Squires all delivering modules within the same day is really quite special.

Topped off by Si's and Super Steve's performances in the suit which gave the attendee's value for money off the Richter Scale. A ringside seat to watch Greg grapple Phil to pre stress him before his fight was worth twice the admission price alone.

Thanks to all who attended for making the event what it was and extra thanks to the instructors.

Super Steve, what a guest list !!! The roll call of guys you fought one after another would read as a who's who of people you don't want to be punched in the face by !

Outstanding seminar, thanks again Den.
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Greg Hall
Greg Hall

Number of posts : 225
Registration date : 2007-07-20

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 09 Sep 2013, 15:36

Hey Shackleton your module was awesome. I ll be looking into and refining the daily ten for sure. Love the variations and progressions. The core stability and compensater info was top notch. I have always taught all my guys improve the core improve the whole of the martial arts. I don t know of many techniques that can t be improved by utilising the hip.
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 09 Sep 2013, 20:25

The course instructors....

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[Jake, Phil, Shackleton, Den, Si, Greg, Steve]

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 84
Age : 54
Localisation : Penby Wirral
Registration date : 2008-09-12

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 09 Sep 2013, 21:20

The roll call of guys Shackleton was outstanding and to top it by fighting two of the best guys out there Phil and Greg was a honour. My body feels very sore and stiff and I am glad I was wearing the suit for protection because you do not what to get hit by any of those guys every year the performances are getting better and better. Well done everyone it's a great honour to train with such a great bunch of guys.
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Dave McC
Dave McC

Number of posts : 1164
Localisation : SCOTLAND
Registration date : 2007-07-20

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 10 Sep 2013, 15:01

Great to be down again and be allowed to take part with a special bunch of guys.
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Number of posts : 3
Localisation : Bournemouth
Registration date : 2013-09-11

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 11 Sep 2013, 17:55

That was an amazing weekend! Many thanks Dennis and Si for the invite, great to hook up with Shackleton again and to meet Greg, Super Steve and the combative groups. Big thanks to Sue for her hospitality.
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Number of posts : 879
Registration date : 2007-07-17

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Sep 2013, 09:14

What an honour to be involved with such a cadre.

To me, the beauty of it all is to be surrounded by a core of guys, mostly Alphas, who won't take the mick out of you. We've all been there before in other clubs and we all recognise the p1ssing worries here.

Great info, great instructors and an environment of learning that really works.

Good news on Jake's hand too - just bruised !

Thanks to Shack, Greg and Phil for their brilliant training and thanks to Super Steve for his Herculanean effort in the suit which defo paves the way for me to the old folks home & most of all to Dennis for the foresight & genius to set up these seminars for the last 11 years.

Humbled and amazed....thank you all.
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Nick Engelen

Number of posts : 214
Registration date : 2007-09-07

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Sep 2013, 19:26

11th International Combatives seminar
Organized by Dennis Martin

Friday 6 September 2013
I left home around 11.00, my dad drove me to Eindhoven train station from where I would take the train to Schiphol form y flight to Birmingham.  It would be a hectic weekend with one day Geoff’s black belt course where after traveling up to Liverpool to join Dennis Martin and the combatives guys for a meal prior to next day’s 11th International.


Arriving at Schiphol I went to check in my luggage where after I went to the passport control.  From there I went for the sushi bar for a nice tea.  The Chinese lady recognized me and asked if I was over for martial arts again.  Then she asked if I wanted a tea like last time.  I was surprised as she gets many customers in a day and it was June when I last saw her.  I told her that I was surprised and she said we had had a conversation the time before.  I asked about her study and her holiday.  She said she still had to get used to my accent.  On a certain point she had a break taking some brochettes as a meal.  They looked nice so I asked if they were on the menu.  She said they were but so close to departure time I choose not to take them.  I went for a hot cheese roll instead.
From there I walked to the gate.  A coffee shop drew my attention as I had still some time left.  There I found out from some Belgian lads dressed in football shirts that there was a football game that evening between Belgium and Scotland.  Normally I am not interested in football at all but as I expected Alan, Dave and Den to attend the seminar I texted home to ask to keep me up to date about the results.
At the security check I came to talk with a woman who was from Zimbabwe but lived in Birmingham now.  We spoke a bit about Rhodesia and the history as well as her trip which was an eight hours flight then four hours waiting for the connecting flight.  I explained her some things worth visiting in Amsterdam.  Soon it was my turn to step through the metal detector which went off on my shoes.
On the other side I had some nice conversation with a Brit who lived in Canada and worked on radar systems.  I was thinking of the coincidence as the radar was developed during the war just like the combative system.  The accent was quite nice to listen to.  
After boarding I had a chat with two Dutch guys who were going to visit Telford.  They were father and son and the guy had done judo when younger and was interested to hear my story.
In Birmingham after collecting my luggage I went for a coffee in the restaurant upstairs.  The manager recognised me as well as the staff who come to say hello whenever they were near the bar area.


From there I moved on to the train station where I bought my ticket to Coventry.  On the platform I had a chat with a nice lady from Milton Keynes who was working at the holiday inn there and had a training in Birmingham.  She liked history and she told me the code breakers operated from Milton Keynes.  This was new to me.  Trying to explain where in Belgium I was located by asking if she knew about certain football stadiums proved pointless.  When the train arrived we shook hands and said goodbye.
In Coventry I moved to the hotel and after a brief chat with Kathy I moved to the city centre for a pizza at pizza hut.  After consuming the pizza and some coffee and having many chats with the staff I moved hopping into the Inspire bar for a beer on my way back to the hotel.
After saying hello to the night shift staff and almost seeing someone get kicked out for smoking and putting up an attitude I went to bed.
Next morning I was greeted by Zan and Ross and had a breakfast.  There I met two other Belgians who were there for a cat show.  I usually don’t see many Belgians in Coventry especially not people living that close to me, these were from Turnhout.
After preparing myself I went downstairs checked out and ordered a taxi.
The taxi driver recognised me from earlier visits and we started a conversation.  Arriving at the at7 I paid him and said goodbye.  


Inside I was greeted by the lads.  I had some chats with the guys when Geoff and Sharon came in.  I walked over and had a talk with Geoff and Sharon.  After a bit of admin Geoff started the class.
He started with a talk about real violence, his life on the door, palate and about how fear is just a form of energy.  He wanted us to experience the observer and asked volunteers for a grapple in the middle.  Having experienced adrenaline for the past week as a result of stress for the trip I didn’t feel any different.  I let the other guys go first wondering if I would feel different when sitting there.  However after three grapples Geoff ended the exercise.  After this we got a warm-up where after we went into grappling.  We started with the choke and the strangle.  We practised this from our knees and perfected our techniques.  Then we did the version from the prone position.  Soon my neck and throat were aching.  After this Geoff showed us how to stretch out someone in the prone-position to be able to control him.  We practised this and I felt quite ok with it.  But then we had to do it in the middle.  Geoff asked for two volunteers and I stepped up, the other guy who had stepped up was Darren a guy much bigger than me.  I laughed out loud at this coincidence.  Geoff told me to step back so someone from a bigger size could face Darren.  The next I stepped up facing Matt.  He was more of my size, I thought…  The drill was that I should stretch him out and he would resist.  The guy had very strong thighs and I was wondering how it could seem so easy during practise and it was now so hard.  I gave it my everything and whenever in a position I didn’t feel efficient I corrected and tried again.  I joked to Geoff if I could have a smaller partner to try as I couldn’t pull it off.  Matt escaped and the exercise ended.  We switched and now I had to resist.  After some struggle Matt succeeded and Geoff ended the exercise.  I felt exhausted.  After a couple of us had a go we took a break.  It was very welcome as I was out of juice.
After the break we started with a punch drill.  Starting off light where after we went full out with breaks in between.  After that we went to a right cross.  After a time my partner seemed to have a problem, he told me his wrist had been broken some time before.  He continued though which I admired.
Then we swapped and it was my turn.  I was tired from the travel and the exercises so had to rely on spirit more than the physical.  Apparently it showed as from the corner of my eye I saw Tony Preston, Andy Chapman and Geoff observing me.  After it ended they came to tell me that it was the best they ever saw me do.  Not being easy with compliments I said it was just the frustration about losing earlier on coming out.
After cleaning up and changing we all said goodbyes and went our way.  Ben drove me to the city centre from where I made my way back to the hotel.  I passed by the Cathedral as it had been closed the day before and I like the place a lot.  It was quite cloudy so after having looked around for a while I moved on.  Zan the receptionist was surprised as she had checked me out.  I explained to her that my friend Stuart would come to bring me a parcel I had ordered earlier on that month.  Waiting there I phoned home to report about how the day went.  My coffee cooled down a bit I took painkiller as my throat was hurting from the strangulation drills.
Soon Stuart came in and gave me the parcel.  He told me he didn’t have time for a coffee as he was on his way to Birmingham.  After a quick chat he went on his way and I finished my coffee and had a talk with the staff and a lady working at the other Ibis about the cat show.
Saying bye again I moved back into the city centre for a quick meal at pizza hut and to say hello there.  Tracy asked me if I was back from Liverpool already.  I explained her that I would be going after a meal and from there I would move through Manchester back to Belgium.  She said I was having a hectic lifestyle.  I added and painful to which she smiled.  After finishing the meal and two coffees I paid my bill and moved out.  The weather had been dry but on my way to the station it started to rain.  Having no overhead cover meant I couldn’t take a break with my 16 kg heavy luggage plus the backpack containing the camcorder which had been passed on to me.  A bit later I arrived at the station.  Queuing up for a train ticket I started a chat with the lady behind me.  She was a French lady, me being lazy didn’t feel like practising French though so I kept talking English.  The way to Liverpool included one stop at Birmingham new street.  On the train a lady with a big bag came into the compartment.  I asked if she was OK with it and then asked if she was going to the airport.  She explained to me she was going home from work as she worked in Oxford.  She told me she lived in Kidderminster to which I told I had some friends living there having a taekwondo school.  She explained to me that her brother was doing Taekwondo.  She told me she wasn’t into sports but into music.  I asked if she was having Asian influences in her music as she looked Indian.  She smiled and said she was Portuguese.  I apologised to which she said many people made that mistake.  I asked her about the nature of her work which was forensic biology or something.  I made the CSI connection to which she said it wasn’t that glamorous as on television.  She liked the show though.  I laughed and said there wasn’t a show about electronics and told her MacGyver got me into studying technology.  She didn’t know the show although she was from the eighties.  The train made some movement almost sending me into her arms…  I caught myself and said that she was a pretty lady but I preferred not to let things happen that way to which she smiled.  At Birmingham new street we got off and she said bye, looking over at me once more and moved on.
Getting my focus on the trip back I looked for someone who could help me to find the right platform to Liverpool.  A guy said it should be 4C.  I walked over to the platform and got on a train.  There I found a less helpful woman who first said the train would drive into Liverpool and then later on didn’t know as she wasn’t going there.  Later on she got snappy so I decided to find someone else for advice.  The ticket checker told me to not go to Crewe but get off at Stafford as it would be 30 minutes sooner.
So I changed trains there and a guy who was into giving lectures about a new monetary system as the current one will collapse at a certain point gave me directions of how to walk to the Chinese arc in Liverpool.


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He gave me some more directions once there, said bye and went on his way.  I walked in the direction he told me to and went right in front of the bombed out church.  The road was going uphill from there and I didn’t see the arc.  So I asked again and the people said I had to go back and to the left.  So I did, checking again in between as the two guys seemed like having had some beers.  The bag was quite heavy and I wanted a break.  A pair of female legs were a motivation to carry on until  she walked into a place…  I carried on and saw a Chinese waitress in one of the restaurants.  I almost decided to go in there then realised I had walked past the restaurant I had to be at.  I walked back and went in.  I walked upstairs and saw the guys at the same table as the year prior.  I dumped my bags and went to say hello to Den and Si who introduced me to Phil Norman and his student Jake.  I took a chair and wanted to join the table when Dave pointed out that there was another table I hadn’t seen.  The scots Alan, Dave and Den were sitting there so after saying hello I added the 2-0 score of the Belgians against the Scottish football team.  Den said something about sitting on another table and Alain came up with a reason for them losing.  Jimmy and Phil W were also on this table.  It had been ages ago I last saw them so I was happy to see them again.  I walked to the waitress to order a beer and a meal.  Then went to have a chat with Phil Norman about his system.  Then the meals came and we had a chat about all kinds of things over the meal.

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After everyone finished and paid their meal we went off.  I assumed everyone was staying at the same hotel as we always did but soon I found out everyone was scattered all over Liverpool.  Luckily Den knew the hotel I was staying at and Steve drove me over.  The next problem was the address of the venue as I always relied on the other people knowing the place.  So I asked the address and made a note of it.  Den and Steve came in with me to make sure my booking was OK then wished me a good night and drove off.  
Next morning I had a breakfast and had a chat with the waitress before preparing my bags and moving off.  I took a bus to the venue which only took 10 minutes.  Walking around there gave me flashbacks to November when a taxi driver had dropped me off near an alley 200 metres from the venue while it was raining cats and dogs.  
The venue was still closed so I had to wait a bit.  The first to turn up was Slacky with Adam,  a friend who lived in the same village as he does.
Not long after Simon, Sue and Adam showed up and opened up.
Inside we had a chat about many things.  At a certain point Simon asked me if I brought a groin guard with me.  I replied yes and he said good.

While sorting my stuff out more and more people came in, many old friends but also some new faces.

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Soon after Den came in and Simon did the admin and we were ready to start.
Dennis did an introduction to the 11th annual combatives seminar.  He started with safety instructions, injuries and staying aware.


After that he showed the knives developed by Fairbairn, starting with the shanghai dagger which was a development by Fairbairn together with some US marines.  This model laid the foundation for the WW2 commando dagger.  Then Den showed the Cobra knife, a knife Fairbairn developed for the Middle East theatre.

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 I had seen only pictures of it and wondered about its balance.  It was quite nice.

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[Nick, Si P and Slacky checking out the Cobra]

After this short introduction we got a warm-up by Shackleton.  It started with running on the spot while Shackleton quizzed us about the purpose of the warm-up like getting the heart-rate up, the difference between anaerobic and aerobic etc…  Whenever someone gave a wrong answer the group got some punishment.  I plead guilty about getting the group in trouble once by calling out what I thought was the correct answer.  However someone repeating it when he was pointed out it even turned out to be wrong!

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[Nigel during the warm up]

The warm-up continued with running around the mat and various stretching exercises.


After this warm-up we were handed over to Den who asked us to partner up with someone we usually don’t train with.  Having a couple of new faces that wasn’t too hard.  The drill were still part of the warm-up and involved several attributes needed from combatives.

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 Speed, impact, aggression, the fend, vastbyte.  Still being tired from the day before I felt like my performance being below average.  I gave it my best.  

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[James and Chris during drill]

The idea of these drills was to give an intensive preparation for  facing an active assailant, whether in the padded suit, or, on the street.


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After this module Shackleton took over for the daily 10.

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 The module started with Shackleton explaining a bit of where the daily 10 came from as he worked with Paddy Phillips, an osteopath and friend of Den.  Paddy oversaw the module and in between sessions helped people sorting their problems out.  The daily 10 are a range of exercises helping to build good posture and range of motion providing a good functional base to build on.  Some exercises were quite hard to do especially the pigeon.  Shackleton however stressed that we should do the exercise correctly rather than try to make it a competition and show towards the others.

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Now the most important word in daily 10 is daily and not just the annually international or other seminar 10.  This requires discipline.


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[Si introduces Phil]

After a short break Phil Norman from Porthsmouth took over.  Phil being the first one to win the gladiator tournament as a kickboxer and Muay Thai guy developed his ghost system which is all about not getting hit in the face.  He had done a seminar about his ghost system the day before.  At that time I was doing the black belt class with Geoff.  According to quantum physics it’s possible for a particle to exist at two places at the same time, however I don’t know how to do that.  So I missed the seminar and was happy Phil was doing a module on it this day.

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It started with a demonstration of Phil attacking his student Jake for two minutes and Jake evading Phil’s attacks.  Jake a young lad reminded me of Cassius Clay quote as he floated around Phil  like a butterfly and I am quite sure he stings like a bee as well.  

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[Click on photo to play Video]

Phil explained how in fights especially in social fights where we fight over dominance people go head to head like two trains on the same track going into each other.  From some combative systems he learned about going off the line off attack or what they call in kendo the line of death.  However these systems still allow the opponent to orient in you afterwards and or generally know where your position is.  So what he does seemed like continuing to ghost around the opponent and disorienting him very much like the fast transients of a fighter jet.  After this Phil and Jake took us through a series of drills to show us how we could do the same.  Looking at Jake it seemed so easy but especially the footwork is a learned skill.

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[Phil and Jake explain the concepts]

We did some of the footwork drills and I had to get used to throw shots with impact from these movements and positions.  I was working with an Irish lad, Shane who is training with Greg.  At a certain point Jake was away for a bit and Phil asked for a volunteer to demonstrate on.  Me trying to be funny pointed at Shane and said take him.  Phil to my own astonishment agreed.  A minute later Shane got a shot in the head making me think oops that’s my fault.
The module ended with Jake showing his footwork again while Phil was attacking.

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[Nick working on a Ghost drill]


From here we were handed to Greg Hall who is Manchester’s best kept secret as he is a great instructor and very knowledgeable.

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 His module was about aliveness.  Greg did a lecture about his view on what aliveness is. The physical part started with a reaction drill where everyone had to try and touch someone’s head while keeping the same from happening to you.

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[Rob and Al work the drill]

 Protecting my back by keeping close to the walls I got touched one and was able to touch the ones who went out in the middle.  A variation was shown in the middle by some volunteers.  After that we were shown various responses to grabs from Fairbairn and Styers.  After that we went into awareness and reaction drills.  It was great fun and I took away a lot from it.

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[Greg shows an Aliveness drill]


The final module before the scenario was done by Simon Squires on Combat Judo.

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 As the seminar started with the fend the seminar seemed to end with it as well.  Like Convey writes in his habits of effective people start with the end in mind.  The first drill was to fend in and grab the opponent.  From there we were shown various throws and also did some groundwork.

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[Si throws Steve]

It ended with a drill where we could mix it all up.

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[Phil and Greg training together during Combat Judo]


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[Si suited up for the first few fights]

This all brought us to the last drill, the scenario drill.  Assuming that we had to go outside I went next door for a talk until Steve called me in as apparently we could watch.  First Shackleton went, the bob and wave approach to disallow the bullet man a clean shot in case he wanted to throw a cheap shot was nice to look at.

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[Shackleton facing the suit]

 Next was Dave from Scotland.  As I was told I would be second and now saw Dave had gone up I assumed that they just told me to wind me up so I took a big pad and relaxed but was called up.  Someone else who apparently thought they had called him was sent back.  Shackleton ordered me to start jumping pulling my knees into my chest.  I was thinking about how to taunt the bullet man to get into his mind.  This started a smile on my face.  Steve came over and asked what was so funny.  I couldn’t hold myself and my smile turned into laughter.  A comment from Shackleton made me stop to ask if he could repeat .  This resulted in him barking at me that I should carry on.  Next were push ups.  I got the comment to not do proper English push ups not giving Belgian shite.  I got called up and had to face Si.  The guys were taunting me with remarks like did you fly all the way over from Belgium to get knocked out.  Si was to close to reply as I was worried he would launch the moment I opened my mouth.  Getting pushed around a bit I noticed how I had fallen into tunnel vision by focusing on Si.  I opened up to the others who got quite close.  I pushed the two on my sides away…  Then felt the smack of Si’s helmet hitting my face…  He head-butted me in the face…  Not sure if this was still part of the woofing I hesitated but after some punches coming at me I knew it was on.  I didn’t get the chance neither thought about trying to ghost out of the kill zone.  I grabbed Simon to stabilize myself and to shoot in knee strikes.  However Si’s arm wrapped around my neck and he started to punch me in the groin.  My mind flashed back for a second to Si asking me in the morning if I brought groin protection…  It was still in my bag though..  so of no use now.  However I didn’t feel the blows.  Then Simon tried to throw me I countered sending both of us to the floor with me on top.  He had a hold on me which denied me the room I needed to use strikes.  I tried to strike in some ways but it didn’t had any impact.  Working with my head giving head-butts created some room.  Sitting up I landed some hammer fists.  I got up and started to boot him in the head.  That’s when I heard the words Check, check, check.  I got off and Shackleton came to me smiling and commented me on my performance and added with a big grin that Belgian push-ups were good.  I hugged Si who said it was my best performance ever.  After that I went for a drink to my bag.  Some people came to me to congratulate me with the good fight.  Suddenly I felt an ache in my underbelly and then remembered the groin shots.  I took a painkiller while Jake  commented on my fight.  We had a bit of a chat and then went to watch the other fights.  Everyone did great!

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[Steve ready for his sixteen fights. What a player!]


After everyone had his turn everyone packed and moved out.  Some said goodbye and went home others came along for a Chinese meal at the docks.  I was in the car with Den, Si, Steve and Michael. In the car we had many chats and I tried to tell a couple of jokes.  I am not sure if anyone apart from me thought they were funny though.
Arriving at the restaurant we went inside and waited for Steve who gave Si a lift home and Shackleton.  When everyone arrived we ordered our meals and drinks.  The meal was delicious the company great and the receptionist gorgeous.
After the meal most of us said their goodbye.  Steve and Den drove me back to my hotel where I wished them goodnight.  After informing the home front I went to the bar where it seemed to be very quiet.  There were two young ladies who I asked if it was still ok to drink as in Belgium when it’s quiet usually the allow the customers to finish the drink but don’t give a new customer a new drink.  They said it was OK so I ordered a Stella.  I had a little chat with the ladies while finishing my beer.  They asked me if I wanted another drink before they closed the till.  My pint was still ¾ full so I declined.  After finishing the beer I went upstairs and went to bed.  I slept like a baby.


Next morning I packed my bag and went for breakfast.  The waitress recognised me from the day before and took my order.  It was quite busy as apparently everyone had come in at the same time.  After many coffee’s and many chats with the staff I moved to my room to prepare for moving out.  I checked out and walked to the bus stop.  From there I took the bus to Lime street station where I would meet Den.  I bought a train ticket and asked for the times.  After that I went into the bookshop where I bought a book about the battle of Mirbat.  From there I walked to the coffee shop where I ordered a coffee and positioned myself at a table from where I could overview the station so I could see Den come in as well as keep an eye on the many ladies walking around.  Not long after Den arrived and after a visit to the toilet we went to see Tommy.  There we talked a lot about the seminar, about some boxers, TV series and movies.  All the coffee at breakfast, the station and the coffee shop we were at filled my bladder.  I asked Den where the toilet was hoping it was behind the door opposite me as I had seen some pretty ladies coming through that door.  However I had to go the other direction.  Five minutes earlier I had seen an older guy finishing his coffee and hopping onto some kind of scooter drive off.  I walked past a table and looked what was on there.  Then I felt my leg getting swept from underneath me.  Catching my balance I looked over to see the old man in his scooter bounce off.  I apologized, embarrassed that it happened in front of Den I quickly moved to the toilet.  I wish I could say I was distracted by a gorgeous Asian lady but it was just some drawing for kids to colour in I had been looking at.
I moved back to the table where we continued the chat.  Before moving on I made one more visit to the toilet before Den walked me back to the station.  There we said goodbye and went our way.  I hopped onto the train and went on my way to the airport.  Before boarding the plane I had seen an Asian lady.  Starting a conversation I learned she was from Malaysia and had been working in Manchester.  Unfortunately she had a seat further down the plane.  About an hour later I was in Schiphol and after collecting my luggage I went on my way back to Belgium.
It was a great weekend with two great events, great instructors teaching great stuff and great people to share it with.

[Photos added by Den]
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Sep 2013, 20:21

Nick, many thanks for the very detailed review.
Nick, and Si Squires are the only two guys to have attended every one of the Internationals,

Some more pics

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 DenandGreg_zps67ede0b3
[Den and Greg]

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 MichaelDaveandSlackyduringskillsanddrills_zps6d44f9d3
[Michael, Dave and Slacky during Skills & Drills]

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 84
Age : 54
Localisation : Penby Wirral
Registration date : 2008-09-12

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Sep 2013, 22:21

Very detailed review Nick take care see you next year!!!
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 13 Sep 2013, 10:35

More pics....

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 DenandPhilN_zpsab873c76
[Den and Phil]

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Paddytreatment_zpsf37f4c16
[Paddy gave his time selflessly to treat as many guys as possible]

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 DenMcTonyMichaelSlacky_zps981127b2
[Den Mc, Tony, Michael, Slacky working on a drill from Greg]

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Dave McC
Dave McC

Number of posts : 1164
Localisation : SCOTLAND
Registration date : 2007-07-20

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 13 Sep 2013, 10:58

Nick take my hat of to you .
that is your best report.
I see you writing of English is now better than mine...
Well done mate it was good to see you and I am sorry I forgot the short bread.
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Number of posts : 3
Localisation : Bournemouth
Registration date : 2013-09-11

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 13 Sep 2013, 12:55

Wow, Nick that was a pretty thorough report, good job. I could not remember what I did yesterday, but that might still be the effects of concussion!
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Greg Hall
Greg Hall

Number of posts : 225
Registration date : 2007-07-20

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 13 Sep 2013, 16:20

I was going to do a review but I know no one does em like you nick. You took some sharp blows bang on target phil!
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 14 Sep 2013, 10:41

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Gregteachingadrill2_zps039eb2ec
[Greg teaching a drill]

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 AlDaveAdChris_zps34e730dc
[Al, Dave, Adam, Chris working a drill]

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Sithrow2_zps24821433
[Si during a throw]

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Greg Hall
Greg Hall

Number of posts : 225
Registration date : 2007-07-20

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 14 Sep 2013, 10:44

Who's that handsome guy in the top pic with the honey badger on he's top?
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Number of posts : 879
Registration date : 2007-07-17

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun 15 Sep 2013, 21:54

And.....a nice bit of news, Jake 'Ghost Fighter! Clarke won his fight tonight, despite having his ear bitten by the opponent !
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Greg Hall
Greg Hall

Number of posts : 225
Registration date : 2007-07-20

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun 15 Sep 2013, 21:57

Oh nice one. Way to go jake. The opponent would of bit his lug out of frustration.
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 16 Sep 2013, 10:21

Congratulations to Jake. Good to see that his damaged hand wasn't a setback.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2007-07-20

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 16 Sep 2013, 12:15

Good effort Jake, well done.

Greg Hall wrote:
Oh nice one. Way to go jake. The opponent would of bit his lug out of frustration.
Or in an effort to quit by disqualification. Must've felt like he was in the ring with Jake and some other bloke who kept blindsiding him!
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Greg Hall
Greg Hall

Number of posts : 225
Registration date : 2007-07-20

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PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 16 Sep 2013, 12:54

Like tyson holyfield. Frustration and trying to get disqualified.
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Number of posts : 131
Registration date : 2008-07-02

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 26 Sep 2013, 01:39

Great report from Nick as usual!
And of course it looked like you zll had a great time...
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Number of posts : 92
Registration date : 2008-04-10

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 18 Apr 2014, 22:23

Back to the t-shirt: I've just seen an excellent program on honey badgers on BBC2. Check it out on i-player.
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Number of posts : 93
Localisation : Liverpool
Registration date : 2013-04-05

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PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 18 Apr 2014, 23:37

Just been watching it and reminded me of the T Shirt straight away.
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR   11th International Combatives Seminar + AAR - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun 04 Oct 2015, 12:19

Just watched the program mentioned above; it's available here....

The aggression of these animals is well known, but I was impressed by their intelligence too.
Colonel Cooper once compiled a list of adjectives to describe the African animals. For the Honey Badger it was " Valorous"

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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