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 Master Hirokazu Kanazawa

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Number of posts : 9933
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Master Hirokazu Kanazawa Empty
PostSubject: Master Hirokazu Kanazawa   Master Hirokazu Kanazawa Icon_minitimeTue 17 Dec 2019, 09:29

Sad to report that Master Kanazawa has passed away
Master Kanazawa was the first Japanese instructor I trained under. He was renowned to his technical precision.

Master Hirokazu Kanazawa E14a6210

When I was in Japan, Master Kanazawa was very kind to me, despoite my doing Goju-ryu and no longer JKA.
He is now in Vllhalla.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Master Hirokazu Kanazawa
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