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 Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR

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4 posters
Greg Hall
Greg Hall

Number of posts : 225
Registration date : 2007-07-20

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PostSubject: Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR   Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Icon_minitimeMon 09 Mar 2009, 23:16

Hi Guys

Sundays Seminar.

Everybody seems to love combative s seminar, As soon as I tell all my students there is a combative s seminar they all put there name down to attend. There is always a good turn out.

When I arrived at the gym there was already a load waiting outside, cos the gym didn't open for another 10 minutes.

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR DenwithGreg
[Den and Greg discussing the program]

The seminar started with an excellent power point presentation on the vital pyramid and how to incorporate it into your everyday life. I have seen Dennis present quite a few of these power point presentations and this was the best yet, very professional.

There was an excellent drill that shown the difference between Condition yellow and condition orange.

After the Combative s mindset section came the warm up and the ton up circuit session.
I really like the ton ups very good circuit with lot s of scope for progression.

The next module was on how to improve the impact of of your strikes with some very unique exercises which everyone agreed really improved the power. As everything in combative s it has to work right now and it did.

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Denteachingimpact
[Den during his presentation]

Next up was yours truly and my presentation was on kicking for the street.
I started off with a little talk on ranges and how you can over complicate things and make things difficult for yourself or you can simplify things and make them a lot easier and most of my presentation was about showing how ranges overlap.

I shown a few drills to improve power on the various kicks and a visualisation drill to improve the knee.

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Greggroundkneestrike
[Greg teaching a kneestrike from a ground control position]

From the feedback I got I think it went well.

Si Squires shown a great module on Escapes and getting off the floor which was really good and practical, also easy to learn and easy to remember.

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR SiwithDianneBerry
[Si during his presentation, with cage fighter Dianne Berry]

The Padded assailant scenario at the end was a very different and very good.

Using all what was learned over the day to escape rather than stand and fight.
With the usual fitness blast before the pressure test.

I don't know what's worse going first or waiting till the end, but its always funny how all the faces change and people start physically shaking and eyes bulging just like a real fight.

This is the 5th time I have hosted Dennis and his seminars and the combative s community that comes to the seminars are always first rate.

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Classphoto

Everyone who trains really trains hard and they all say they get loads out of it and its very different to the martial arts they practise.

Afterwards we always head to Chinatown, Pearl City actually for the post session well earned supper.
Which is as informative as the seminar.
All the guys have some great stories especially Den he has loads of really interesting stories.

So it was a good day all round and I look forward to the next time we all meet up and bash holes out of each other in the name of fun.
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Number of posts : 594
Age : 62
Localisation : wolverhamton
Registration date : 2008-01-08

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR   Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Icon_minitimeTue 10 Mar 2009, 13:26

Hi Greg
I still owe you a pint mate! I just wanted to say that I enjoyed Manchester so much, that I hope to get up there again some time this year maybe we could do some training together etc
I couldn't get over how much the place had changed since I was last there many years ago.
I enjoyed meeting and making new freinds, I'm terrible at recalling names but it was really great meeting you all
Thanks again to Den, Si Greg, and the main man in the suit!
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Number of posts : 15
Localisation : manchester
Registration date : 2007-11-06

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR   Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Icon_minitimeWed 11 Mar 2009, 02:44

Great Review Greg really informative. Even though i know what went on if i ever forget i just need to look at this an it will all come flooding back. nice one well written an presented.
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR   Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Icon_minitimeThu 12 Mar 2009, 10:50

I've added some photos to Greg's report above.
Here's a couple more....

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Seankicking
[Sean kicking during Greg's module]

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Andymeetsthebulletman
[Andy meets the Bulletman]

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 15
Localisation : manchester
Registration date : 2007-11-06

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR   Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Icon_minitimeThu 12 Mar 2009, 16:10

Awesome pictures there Den. It just goes to show that by just putting pictures in the review it gives it a whole new dimension.
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Number of posts : 594
Age : 62
Localisation : wolverhamton
Registration date : 2008-01-08

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR   Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Icon_minitimeThu 12 Mar 2009, 16:40

Obiviously this was before I got told to close my eyes spin round ten times and then get slugged in the head! still say if you want to access my aggression levels put my ex-wife in the suit!
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR   Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Icon_minitimeFri 13 Mar 2009, 10:55

More pics....

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Siteaching
Despite having an injured hand Si taught and demonstrated his module, including some arduous exercises and takedowns.

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR DendiscussingChinjab

Den answering a question about the Chinjab

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR   Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Icon_minitimeSat 14 Mar 2009, 12:34

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Timfacingbulletman

Tim being briefed on his encounter with the padded assailant....

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Thesuit

Pete lin the suit

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Denrapidtakedown

Den teaching a rapid takedown

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR   Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Icon_minitimeWed 18 Mar 2009, 18:27

Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR DenwithTim
[Den with Tim, who works on Liverpool doors]

The stated aim of the seminar was to give the atendees a variety of things to take away, and use, either for self-protection, or, for their own training.
For example, we introduced the Ton-ups to the class, as something they can work on in their own future training, and progress measurably.
Likewise, the module on Enhancing shock impact was designed to give the guys a way of constantly improving their striking power.
I'm always impressed by Greg's enthusism for the subject. He has studied a myriad of methods from far and wide, and has loads of hands-on real experience. I highly recommend that you take the opportunity to train with him.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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PostSubject: Re: Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR   Manchester Seminar 2009 AAR Icon_minitime

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