i went (for my sins), 3rd time i've been now, Craig does a great seminar, and is original in his thinking, his understanding of space / proxemics on the street is A1 and he has an excellent well structured program which has truckloads of material beyond his DVDs. he really is a must i my opinion.
Craig is into his standing grappling / having a mma base, position before blow rather more so than beginning hitting from whereever you are, so there may be some adjusting for many FS based exponents, there was/is for me given my main base in Lee's stuff.
the timing of this seminar is usually the w/e before den's international, which makes it one or the other for most people, if the organizers of both agreed to space them out both seminars might get more people, just a thought.
Ian and his guys are great hosts.
hope everyone is well