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 Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011

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5 posters

Number of posts : 99
Localisation : USA
Registration date : 2010-07-18

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011   Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Icon_minitimeTue 12 Apr 2011, 19:41

CQB Services Combatives Class
Americus, GA
April 8-10, 2011
Instructors: Dennis Martin and Slackbladder

We started off at 1700 hours on Friday with the knife portion of the program. Den had a power point presentation set up with notes, photos, and videos. He discussed the merits and the deficiencies of the knife in combatives.

He then went on to talk about various types of knives and how their uses, various groups of high threat persons that we may encounter that prefer the knife, case studies from around the world in which both the good guys and the bad guys used knives, as well as the results.

We then went into different types of knife strikes, and built on them individually. After this we practiced deploying the knife from various positions and starting positions. A question and answer session was had and we broke for a group dinner.

The combatives hard skills started at 0900 hours on Saturday morning. We started the morning off with a lecture and power point. Den covered various options that we may have available in confrontations, he went over the vital pyramid (Mindset, tactics, skills, and finally kit), Fairbairn's use of integrated skills, principles of CQB, and Neural based training methodology.

PT was up next and got progressively tougher after that. A lot of the group, including myself, saw that we need to work on this area of training. We learned and practiced various types of strikes to include the tiger claw, elbows, hammer fist, palm strikes, shin strikes, and knees. Then more pt, just to get the heart rate back up. We broke for lunch for a while and came back for more. After lunch we had another lecture. We then did some more PT. Afterwords we started putting movements and strikes together from various positions. This concluded the day.

Sunday started off at 0900 hours as well. Den presented a block on how to deal with grapplers. Slacky stepped in and ran us through some drills that those of us that have been through ECQC will be familiar with. We then got a break form this and got to rest by doing some more PT. We had a question and answer session and then broke for lunch.

After lunch we had another lecture and started to work on in fight weapons access, then some more PT. We then practiced take downs and strikes wile carrying a long gun. We worked on state access and how to manage it before, during, and after a confrontation. We had a final drill and this concluded the class.

Further, we discussed Colonel Cooper’s color code, OODA loop, principles of CQB, and Fairbairn's principles.

We had a great group of students, and that always make the class better. It was a very worthwhile opportunity and I am glad to have experienced it. Den and Slacky were consummate professionals and first rate teachers. The material was clear, concise, and easily learned/retained. As usual my Chief was highly supportive, and this class would not have been the same without his assistance. He allowed the use of high quality training equipment, and a great private facility.

My wife was also in this class and helped me a ton logistically. She was a great student and hung tough with all of the hard men that attended. She concentrated hard, and put her skills to use. She is much more confident now when she goes about her daily business.

A few notes that I took from Den during the class:
The knife is the easiest weapon to learn to use, and the most difficult to defend against.

The first tools were first weapons.

Your weapon should be like a rock-the simpler they are, the better they are to use under stress.

Impact weapons are not solutions to knife attacks.

Marcus Wynne is the authority on neural based training and state access. If you have the chance, train with him.

Nick Hughes offers an excellent program, and his dvd's are worth looking at.

Recommended knife studies: Filipino, Renaissance period, Spanish systems, and WWII material.

Folders are good, but not ideal for protection.

SOUTHNARC has the absolute best program to learn in fight access of weapons.

Clinch picks, TDI's, HAK's, and push daggers are recommended.

Learn to deploy our knife with either hand from any position.

Den likes peach tea, and drinks it by the gallon.

Spyderco P'kal, delica (waved), CRKT kasper-Crawford, and Boker military knives are recommended folding knives.

NOK trainers are the best.

Either do more PT or buy larger pants, since I had the occasion to rip my pants from crotch to knee.....

Practice as if EVERY punch, stab, elbow, knee, and draw (knife/gun) you make is as your life depends on it.

Never underestimate your threat.

Finally, I would like to sincerely thank Den and Slacky for all of their hard work. They are true gentlemen and world class instructors. I thoroughly enjoyed their training and comradeship, and look forward to having them back over again in the near future.

Dennis and Slacky will be on their way back home tomorrow, and are looking forward to being back on the forum soon.
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Number of posts : 9933
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011   Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Icon_minitimeThu 14 Apr 2011, 17:48

Just got home from USA, and am still jet-lagged.
Shane organized a terrific class. Lots of hard work in the Georgia heat.
I have a ton of photos, and will post some later.
For now, a million thanks to Shane and Megan for their splendid hospitality.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 681
Registration date : 2007-07-21

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011   Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Icon_minitimeThu 14 Apr 2011, 20:03

Similarly thrashed by the travel, but I'll echo Den's comments on the warmth of the hospitality afforded to us by everyone we met, not least our gracious hosts.
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Number of posts : 9933
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011   Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Icon_minitimeFri 15 Apr 2011, 12:03

As promised, the first photos....

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Classphotosecure
Group photo

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Fredtakedown1edit
Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Fredrapidtakedownforweaponretention
Rapid takedown during CQB Phase

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Slackyforwarddrivesecure
Slacky shows forward drive

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 GuysduringCQBphase
The guys during CQB Phase

Check Six,
Dennis Martin

Last edited by Dennis on Sat 23 Apr 2011, 15:35; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 9933
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011   Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Icon_minitimeSat 16 Apr 2011, 11:32

Some more pics....

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 ChiefFredduringHammerfistdrill
Chief Fred on top during Hammerfist training

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 MeganattacksSparproonknifecourse
Megan attacks the "man with no arms" during the Combative knife Program

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Slackydiscussingknives
Slacky discusses knives

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 9933
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011   Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Icon_minitimeSun 17 Apr 2011, 13:31

Here's some more pics...

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 DenandShanewithSpar-pro
Den with Shane, who did a superb job in organizing the event

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Slackymuzzlestrike
Slacky works on a muzzle strike during the CQB phase

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 9933
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011   Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Apr 2011, 10:57

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 SlackyChiefFredDen

This shows Slacky, Fred and Den.
Fred is an Assistant Chief in a neighbouring police force, and has trainined at a high level in Martial Arts for 30 years, including full contact fights. He can still kick over his own head-height. A really experienced and trained guy, who was a role model for all on the course.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Dave McC
Dave McC

Number of posts : 1164
Localisation : SCOTLAND
Registration date : 2007-07-20

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011   Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Apr 2011, 14:31

Peter like the beard it suits you sir
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Number of posts : 681
Registration date : 2007-07-21

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011   Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Apr 2011, 15:34

Ha! I'm on a drive to save money. Shampoo and razors were first to go.
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Number of posts : 280
Registration date : 2007-07-20

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011   Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Icon_minitimeFri 22 Apr 2011, 05:49

and after I sent you a shaving brush????

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Number of posts : 9933
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011   Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Icon_minitimeFri 22 Apr 2011, 11:18

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 SlackyChiefGreenDen

In this photo Slacky and Den are with Chief James Green, on whose property the training took place. As Chief of the Americus Police Department he was totally supportive of the training, and wants to introduce more CQB into regular police continuation training.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 9933
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011   Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Icon_minitimeSat 23 Apr 2011, 15:43

These photos are courtesy of Mark L....

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Insidethightkickedit
[Den showing the inner-thigh kick]

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Actionduringfinalknifedrilledit
[Shane during the "Elephant & bucket drill"]

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 SuspectcontrolChris
[Chris using suspect control during the CQB phase]

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Denmuzzlestrike2edit
[Den discussing long-gun de-escalation during the CQB phase]

Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Megantakedownedit
[Megan with Rapid-takedown on Shane]

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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PostSubject: Re: Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011   Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011 Icon_minitime

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Dennis Martin Comabtives Seminar Americus, GA April 2011
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