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 Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event.

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5 posters

Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event. Empty
PostSubject: Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event.   Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event. Icon_minitimeTue 21 Aug 2012, 10:39

First AAR online here.
Slacky, who presented a topic at the event, has promised one of his unique AARs in due course.
The event raised $40,000 for Paul's kids, which is amazing.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 940
Registration date : 2007-08-03

Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event.   Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event. Icon_minitimeTue 21 Aug 2012, 12:34

Great news for the family.

I won't read that review,I'll wait for Slacky's one! ha ha
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 63
Localisation : Tennessee
Registration date : 2007-07-29

Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event.   Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event. Icon_minitimeWed 22 Aug 2012, 01:47

I wasn't able to go, but am really glad they were able to put this together for Paul's family.
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event.   Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event. Icon_minitimeThu 23 Aug 2012, 19:09

An extract from a comment on a firearms forum:
Pete Morgan's H2H class was awesome, and hearing him say porridge and seeing the zombie drill was worth the price of admission alone. My one complaint about this block of instruction was that Pete did too good a job of firing me up. I fractured one of my knuckles during one of the striking drills I was going at the focus pads so hard. But it might have been part of his diabolical plan to spread British culture around the world. The pinky on my right hand is currently sticking straight out whenever I pick anything up, all polite and such.
Well done Slackster

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Cris Anderson

Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2007-07-27

Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event.   Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event. Icon_minitimeFri 24 Aug 2012, 01:00

It was great to see Peter as an instructor, I made a point of staying for his class then taking off for my drive home. The entire event was incredible.

Saturday morning I started with a grappling/combatives seminar with Aaron Little out of Lexington KY. We covered arm/neck triangle on the ground and standing, as well as some variations on the technique. We also worked with the kimura from the ground. Many reminisces about Paul Gomez made for a great start to the day. The grappling combatives area was in a sandpit, so literally rolling around in the dirt next to heavy equipment was a change from working the same techniques in a clean dojo.

Next I took a class with William April on victim selection. Dr. April, a former police officer, clinical psycologist and social worker from New Orleans definitely has the background to discuss this subject. Interesting takeaways include the fact that roughly 35% of crime victims are repeat victims, and the significance of your gait in the selection/de-selection process of criminals.

After lunch I took part in a lecture by Larry Lindeman on fat loss. A strong proponent of intermittent fasting, with an unique motivational style of speech(Don't be a wuss! You're supposed to be a warrior, suck it up!), Larry is a walking testament to his beliefs.

Finished the day off with Paul Sharp, back in the sandpit, with his take on ECQC. Working from the fence(and giving credit where it is due)drilling first a right cross, then a cross, stepping out and to the side, following with a left jag, then the drill escalated to weapons. Two strikes, then draw your weapon, third strike is either a stab or a bullet. The scenario presented was multiple attackers, lethal force being justified.

Sunday morning started for me with Greg Ellifritz, from TDI, teaching the use of the Kabar TDI. Interesting to learn the background of the design for this knife, and comparisons between the TDI and Southnarc's Clinchpick.

I took a break for the next class, and checked out some of the motocross action. There was a large motocross event going on at the same time as PEP, made for some interesting contrasts. Caught a ride down to the pistol range to check on Paul Sharp teaching Fistfire. Interesting to see roughly 50 people firing pistols, with a motocross race starting 3-400 yards away. Hearing protection was a must!

After lunch, back to the sandpit for Peter Morgan's class. Peter gave an excellent class, with great drills such as the zombie drills, instructions for the succesful headbutt and KO blow, and many others to get the adrenaline flowing.

Great weekend, good to see old friends and new, meet people I have conversed with on the internet for years, and most definitely to honour brother Paul.
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event.   Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event. Icon_minitimeFri 24 Aug 2012, 10:34

Thanks for the review Cris. Some terrific classes there.
I taught on a municipal range in RSA which had a Motocross event nearby, plus aerobatic aircraft overhead. The most annoying day on the range I've ever had.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event.   Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event. Icon_minitimeWed 29 Aug 2012, 11:42

Quote :
Pete Morgan's H2H class was awesome,

Just to be clear, Peter is our own Slackbladder. I remember a couple of years back one forum member thought that Slackbladder was his real name!

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 92
Registration date : 2008-04-10

Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event.   Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event. Icon_minitimeThu 30 Aug 2012, 08:11

Isn't it?
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Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event.   Paul Gomez Memorial Training Event. Icon_minitime

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