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 Americus and GALEFI training, 2016

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4 posters

Number of posts : 9933
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Americus and GALEFI training, 2016   Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Icon_minitimeSat 17 Sep 2016, 11:44

Shane did his usual outstanding job of organizing the various courses, and Slacky and I made the trans-Atlantic trip once again, in August 2016.
Here are some photos from the trip:

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Range%20class_zpsa91papkh
[Class on range for the MindsEye Shooting Program]

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Shane%20group_zpsvd6qta6n
[Shane shot this group with his sights obscured with tape]

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Den%20and%20Ken%20Hudson_zpsgsy8nlcw
[Taking part was Ken Hudson, who teaches MMA at his superb facility in Americus]

We stayed in a luxury apartment for the Americus phase. Sitting to have a brew I counted at least ten Glocks in the immediate area, and Shane told me there were more in other rooms. Plus the pump shotgun next to my chair. First thing on the agenda was a brew of tea, and we had problems finding spoons. We were in a place with more Glocks than tea spoons!

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 HK%20VP9_zps2dkjlrep
[This nice H&K VP9 was lurking amongst the numerous Glocks}

Travelling up to the Atlanta area we attended the annual training conference of the Georgia Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors,[GALEFI] where we were presenting a couple of topics.

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Galefi-logo_zpsnuaht39w

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 BG%20lecture_zpslqjtwnrf
[Classroom phase of my presentation on Tactical Pistol for VIP Protection]

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Seated%20shooting_zpsfzmmsjdw
[Demonstrating seated shooting drills]

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Class%20seated%20shooting_zpsykbgdrum
[Class working on drills]

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Punch%20and%20draw%20final_zpsw9kgtex2
[Demonstrating a transition from striking to shooting]

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Slacky%20and%20Court_zpszz5hbjm4
[A joy at such events is chatting with old friends. Here Slacky is pictured with Court, who has attended all of our US programs, outside our lunch venue]

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Den%20Daryl%20Slacky_zps0r9grc4g
[Making new friends is another delight. Here we are with noted instructor Daryl Bolke, who also taught at the conference]

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 ModelDB_zpskansvhs4
[Daryl designed the "DB" model for Strider knives, and the reason behind the design was a fascinating story.

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Den%20presentation_zpswyea3zwc
[Presenting during the keynote speech]

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Galefi%20auditorium_zpsx2pi7hrx
[The auditorium]

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Slacky%20presentation_zps3bnm0hmy
[Slacky during his presentation on Experiential training]

Back in Americus we enjoyed some free time, which included spending time shooting with our good friend Aaron.

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Slacky%2044mag_zpsucjuj4mq
[Slacky tries the .44 magnum revolver for the first time]

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Den%20on%20river_zpsmcmrofne
[Rod took us for lunch, by boat]

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Shane%20and%20Den%20at%20airport_zpsimayxxsv
[All good things come to an end, and Shane took us to the airport for our flight home]

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Cheerleaders_zpsqvym90s9
[The long flight was made more tolerable by this party of cheerleaders]

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Dublin%20airport_zpsrgwkb2th
[We flew back via Dublin. I hadn't been to Dublin airport since I was eleven, and was impressed by the large, very modern terminal]

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Slaney%20breakfast_zpsuamdmuin
We enjoyed a really memorable "full Irish" breakfast in Dublin airort]

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 664
Localisation : USA - for now
Registration date : 2009-08-09

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Americus and GALEFI training, 2016   Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Icon_minitimeSat 17 Sep 2016, 22:07

Good report.

I miss having breakfasts like that! Mind you they were a once a week event when I had them.
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Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2007-08-01

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Americus and GALEFI training, 2016   Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Icon_minitimeTue 13 Jun 2017, 05:11

Good Times !  Hope to see you soon.
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Number of posts : 9933
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Americus and GALEFI training, 2016   Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Icon_minitimeFri 16 Jun 2017, 20:34

Shane is putting together our next program, so looking forward to seeing you again, Court.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2007-08-01

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Americus and GALEFI training, 2016   Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Icon_minitimeFri 16 Jun 2017, 22:37

Looking forward to seeing you both again as well !

Any idea on time or subject ?
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Number of posts : 9933
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Americus and GALEFI training, 2016   Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Icon_minitimeSat 17 Jun 2017, 11:25

We'll be doing a gym day, which will include knife work; and a range day, which will incorporate Skills & Drills.
Shane may also present a Shotgun day.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Cruel Hand Luke

Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2007-08-02

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Americus and GALEFI training, 2016   Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Icon_minitimeThu 27 Jul 2017, 17:18

Is there any word on a date for 2017 in the US?
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Number of posts : 9933
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Americus and GALEFI training, 2016   Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Icon_minitimeThu 27 Jul 2017, 22:56

We are planning for the first weekend in November

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Cruel Hand Luke

Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2007-08-02

Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Americus and GALEFI training, 2016   Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Icon_minitimeThu 27 Jul 2017, 23:00

Very interesting as that is my birthday weekend....might be a present to myself....
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Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Americus and GALEFI training, 2016   Americus and GALEFI training, 2016 Icon_minitime

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Americus and GALEFI training, 2016
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