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 Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR

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3 posters

Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Empty
PostSubject: Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR   Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Icon_minitimeTue 29 Jul 2008, 11:22

Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Castle-s-a-2

I spent last weekend over in Zurich again, hosted by Simon Biesuz, presenting a series of programs.

The guys in Switzerland are very keen and motivated, most work in the VIP Protection field.

Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Medballtraining-s
[Simon and Matt working with the medicine ball]

Part of the program was "Equipment training for Combative Conditioning", covering med-balls, sandbags etc.

I'll post more photos and details later.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Nick Engelen

Number of posts : 214
Registration date : 2007-09-07

Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR   Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Icon_minitimeTue 29 Jul 2008, 16:51

Hi Den,

Looks nice.

The medicine ball, is it constructed or been taped up after lots of use?

Kind Regards,

Nick Engelen
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR   Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Icon_minitimeTue 29 Jul 2008, 18:21

The med-balls were proper gym models, but old. That one was completely covered in duct tape, that friend of the thrifty equipment user.
We tried to get hold ofd some kettlebells, but they don't seem to be available in Switzerland.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Empty
PostSubject: Swiss instructors   Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Icon_minitimeWed 30 Jul 2008, 11:21

Following the Instructional Enhancement Program, we now have a new group of Combatives Instructors in Switzerland.

Simon Biesuz
Matthew Spiller
Simon Zeller
Fritz Floerchinger
Bruno Zahner .

Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Mattpresentation-1s

Matt Spiller during his presentation.

More later

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Alan Beckett
Alan Beckett

Number of posts : 489
Localisation : Scotland
Registration date : 2007-06-29

Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR   Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Icon_minitimeFri 01 Aug 2008, 06:34

Hey, yujat's great, well done all those guys.

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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR   Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Icon_minitimeFri 01 Aug 2008, 11:37

Here's on of the diagrams produced during the Mind-map exercise.

Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Mindmapdiagram-s

Many of you will have experienced the first aid problem that we use as a state modulation test at the end of an arduous scenario. We did one on the Monday morning session after the 207 International, we did one at the recent Instructor Day, and Si Squires uses them in his high-stress scenarios as well. We did one as part of the final test on the Zurich Instructional Enhancement, and every one of the guys performed the first aid techniques flawlessly. Control of the incident, communication with casualty, sending for help were all spot-on. The guys had to apply an Israeli Dressing and everyone managed to use the pressure bar, until it broke half way through the group.
Even when adding "swerves", such as switching the lights off, the guys still performed well.
Questioning Si B later, it seems that the level of first aid training in Switzerland is quite high, and based extensvely on scenario work. As ever, realistic training is the key to performance under stress.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Alan Beckett
Alan Beckett

Number of posts : 489
Localisation : Scotland
Registration date : 2007-06-29

Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR   Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Icon_minitimeFri 01 Aug 2008, 17:00

That mind map just puts me to shame, my maps always look like a six year old has drawn them.

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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR   Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Icon_minitimeFri 01 Aug 2008, 19:03

Quote :
my maps always look like a six year old has drawn them.

Don't worry Al, Marcus' diagrams always look like they were drawn by a pair of sex-mad spiders on LSD.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR   Zurich Seminar July 2008: AAR Icon_minitime

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