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 Westport seminar 2008 AAR

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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Westport seminar 2008 AAR Empty
PostSubject: Westport seminar 2008 AAR   Westport seminar 2008 AAR Icon_minitimeMon 01 Dec 2008, 19:01

Just returned home from the latest seminar in Westport, Ireland, organized to the usual high-standard by John Brawn.
These events are held in the luxury-class Westport Hotel; and it's certainly a five-star experience to leave your hotel room and walk 30 paces to the training hall. Tea and biscuits are served after the session, encouraging a great group discussion.
I'll post pictures and comments later.
Meanwhile, it was great spending time with John, Dave, Donie, Martin and Ken again, as well as meeting lots of new friends.

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Westport seminar 2008 AAR Empty
PostSubject: Re: Westport seminar 2008 AAR   Westport seminar 2008 AAR Icon_minitimeTue 02 Dec 2008, 11:07

Westport seminar 2008 AAR Knifedefencetraining
[Working on knife defence]

Westport seminar 2008 AAR ClassphotoSaturday
[Class photo on Saturday]

Westport seminar 2008 AAR DenandJohn
[Den and John]

Westport seminar 2008 AAR Books
[John always brings an impressive collection of books for the guys to view; here's just a few of them]

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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Number of posts : 9937
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Westport seminar 2008 AAR Empty
PostSubject: Re: Westport seminar 2008 AAR   Westport seminar 2008 AAR Icon_minitimeFri 05 Dec 2008, 11:07

Some more photos....

Westport seminar 2008 AAR DenPowerpoint-2
[Powerpoint presentation]

Westport seminar 2008 AAR Medicineballtraining
[Setting up a medicine ball circuit]

Westport seminar 2008 AAR JohnshowingchokeonDave
[John showing an extraction technique on Dave]

Check Six,
Dennis Martin
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PostSubject: Re: Westport seminar 2008 AAR   Westport seminar 2008 AAR Icon_minitime

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Westport seminar 2008 AAR
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